Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illness

A new page has been added. We all know there needs to be more education in the area of mental illness in the church. Maybe you have mental illness. Maybe you are not sure. Perhaps your family member, or friend, has certain behavior patterns that you are concerned about. There are warning signs to let us know that maybe something serious is wrong. Go to the new page, Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illness, to learn what they are.

Too often we have heard, "If only I had known." You can know. Is it fail proof - no, but you can still arm yourself with information on what to look for. Be prepared.

Whenever you have questions, first go to the Greatest Answer Man ever, the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray, and ask the Lord what avenue should you take in seeking help either for yourself, a family member, or for someone else. Always remember, though, if there is danger involved, you already know the Lord wants you to take immediate action. We can quickly throw up prayers with just a groan, if necessary. The Spirit discerns and knows what you want. He also knows what's the best action to take. Listen and then act!

In my brokenness, before God miraculously healed me in the state mental hospital, I suffered with Borderline Personality Disorder. This video captures the thoughts at that time.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and My Christian Faith
or copy and paste this link

Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illness
or copy and paste this link

Be blessed

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
Romans 8:26

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