Peaceful Passage Book Review

Peaceful Passage by Kim WestPeaceful Passage by Kim West
Book Review

Peaceful Passage, by Kim West PhD is a must read. It has no limitations to age or gender. At some point in our life we will either be a caregiver of a loved one at his/her end of life, or know someone who is a caregiver. Kim West wrote about the knowledge she gained from her personal experience in sailing the journey of watching her own mother pass away. Peaceful Passage is a practical, tell-it-like-it-is guide for the caregiver, especially during the hospice time period. It discusses and gives tips on how to handle bed linens to video monitors, as well as how to get through such a painful, emotionally draining period at the end of your loved one’s life. It encourages and guides the caregiver through the stages of denial, grief, anger, and finally acceptance of the loved one’s death. This passage brings you and your loved one into a cherished experience together. Most of all Peaceful Passage stresses dependence on God for strength, wisdom, and support.

I enjoy reading books that are practical, personable and are an easy read. This is that and more. Kim West is open and honest with her feelings about the journey she experienced with the passing of her mother. I found it tender and loving for such a difficult subject to experience and discuss, let alone write about.  

At the end of each chapter, Peaceful Passage offers a workbook and blank journal note section to help the reader document what s/he is gleaning from the information.

It will remain in my library as a valuable reference for my family should I need hospice care at the end of my journey. There may be a husband, wife, mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandparents or another loved one who will benefit from the pearls of wisdom this book offers. A must read and a keeper!

Barbara Rupp
Women at the Well Ministry

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.

The following links are available to read free pages of the table of contents, introduction and first chapter:

Click on the link below, if you would like to purchase Peaceful Passage by Kim West, PhD.

Author, Kim WestKim West holds a PhD in Clinical Pastoral Counseling and a Master of Divinity in Counseling and Family, but when her own mother became ill with terminal cancer she found that she had no hands-on knowledge of how to take care of her.

As a counselor she knew to journal her own experience to help her process her grief at losing her mother and she knew how to help her mother finish her life well and be prepared for the life to come. But the day-to-day of taking care of her mother as she died would require learning a whole new set of caring skills. And learn she did.

After completing her own journey with her mother she knew she had to help others who would travel this same path. Peaceful Passage is a merging of her years of counseling experience and the new skills she learned caring for her mother combined with her heart to help and to heal.
·         Kim's blog
·         Kim on Facebook

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