
I was blessed today to share my experiences regarding God, Christians, and mental illness, on the Parker J Cole Radio Show. The church still has a way to go, but more and more are opening up hearts and minds to understand and be there for those suffering with emotional and mental illness. However, they are better than when I sought help through the church some 30+ years ago. My healing was miraculous, taking place in a state mental hospital. 

I hope you find encouragement listening to this. Share it with others whom you would like to bless.

There is an epidemic in the Body of Christ when it comes to emotional and mental illness. 

Do you love the Lord wholeheartedly, but you also have this issue?

There is hope. It may feel like you are without hope, but the enemy is a liar

It is important to recognize that prayer changes thingsThe Gospel impacts every area of our lives. God can—and does at times—supernaturally heal every kind of illness. He worked supernaturally in my life. Yet, God often chooses to do so through prayer, study, Christian fellowship, and medical intervention. I am not telling anyone to stop their medication, but medicine is not the answer to everythingWe live in an over medicated world. 

We need to treat sin and character problems like sin and character problemsand illnesses like illnessIt’s so important to know, no matter how desperate the despair, there is hope, and please do not give up. 

Make sure you have a good support system. If you don't have a support system, contact me. You can contact me, even if you have a support system.

Do you have a believing family member who suffers from mental illness?

Educate yourself on the specific problem and/or illness    Learn some of the signs and symptomsPlease be sensitive to the holy Spirit. Just because you can’t understand it, does not mean it’s not real. Ask for a double dose of patience. We know that when we ask for patience, that usually means God moves things in a way that we must practice patience - more trials. Our Lord is faithful to heal, but it takes compassion and understanding. Ask the Lord to give you understanding. And most of all, pray with him or her.

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