Since my book, "The Woman at the", was published, I knew I had to work on marketing it. I didn't realize how much work that would be, and how much time each day it would take. I am not complaining, because it is an amazing experience. However, I don't move as fast as I used to, nor do I move as quickly from one thing to the next. I say this to say it is taking time to adjust to posting on all the groups on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. It's good that when I post many places it automatically posts on Twitter. That's a time saver. Now, is there a "click here" to post one place that will go to all of the social networks?
I appreciate you if you are a marketing expert. You have valuable information. It also takes a lot of energy. This is something I ask the Lord for daily. There are lunch breaks I delay, and dinner breaks I delay in taking. Too often I have been eating dinner (if one can call it that) too late in the evening. Hence, I'm staying up late because it's hard to fall asleep on a full stomach. That's another point. Discipline is lacking in that area as well.
Whew! I need a boost of energy that I had at 20, 30, 40; even 50 years old. Ah, I'm giving away a bit of age info here. That's okay. I am proud of my age, because the Lord has kept me alive to tell my story. He is the One holding me together in more ways than one.
All this said, I am excited beyond words, as to what God Almighty is doing in my life at this time. These are the best years of my life. I am with my son and his family in the most perfect setting I could ask. My granddaughters are absolutely the doting babies I could ever want and need. God truly is blessing me beyond belief. Then it is believable, because He is a God who keeps His promises. He has been so faithful, loving and patient with me all these years. Yes, He's been tough with me, but it certainly was necessary. He is the perfect Teacher who truly knows what's best for His child.
Walking in the wilderness all those years was horrendous. There were times when God had to supernaturally keep me alive. Either the enemy tried to take my life, or I tried to take my own life. Either way, it was something the enemy instigated. But God is greater in me than the enemy, who is in the world. No one is greater and larger than Jehovah. Talk about someone having my back. God always did and does have my back. He went before me to make sure the road was paved as He intended. He stayed beside me to guide me. Since I have no peripheral vision, He needed to hold my arm so I would not crash into the wall. Well, actually there were a few times I did crash into that brick wall, but He was there to make sure I continued breathing because the crash was terrific.
He walked behind me to limit the attacks of the enemy behind my back. Yes, He allowed attacks from the enemy, but they were closely monitored by Jehovah Jireh. He was always there is administer His healing balm of Gilead so that I would not perish.
Yes, you see, the God of my salvation is perfect! He breathed air into my lungs when it looked liked there was no more air. He took the heart that was so broken that it looked like sawdust, and He re-molded it. As a matter of fact, He put it back together again better than it was before. And my mind. Well, let me tell you. There was so much confusion there that it looked like the chaos of the world at the beginning of time. You know where it says in the Bible that the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep? Well, that's probably what the chaos in my mind looked like; without form, void and dark. But just like at that time, the Spirit of God was hovering over Barbara. He said, "Let there be light", and His Light healed my mind, my heart, and my spirit.
He's such a Good God. I want to shout from the rooftops of the goodness of the Almighty God I serve. Won't you join me?
Be blessed by Him today,
The Woman at the
We all have bad days. Some lead to depression, which can lead to mental problems. These can land you in a psychiatric hospital or, worse, a state mental hospital. Thoughts of worthlessness take over. One day you stop coping. Read the dark excerpts from the journal I kept while behind locked doors in the state mental hospital. Just when I found myself at that point of no return, something completely mind-blowing happened.
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