I can hardly wait until my book comes out. Spring cannot come quick enough. I wrote my story because I want to shout from the rooftops how big and awesome God is; to tell you not to give up hope. If you have faith as tiny as a mustard seed, God will show up and show off for you. I wrote my story to show you that God loves the unlovable, unwanted, and underserved. Yes, we're all deserving of hell, but our merciful God has given us life abundantly.
God loves you! He will never quit on you.
In ministering to hurting women for nearly 30 years, I have seen just as many who are hurting in the church as there are outside of the church. In most cases, you would never guess what is going on inside these women. When you ask how they are doing, they smile and say, “Fine” or that familiar, “Praise the Lord.”
As believers, Jesus said we are in the world but we are not of this world (John 17:11-17). He said in the world we will have tribulation (John 16:33). So why are we surprised when we go through trials? As Christians, we have the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to carry us through the trials. Jesus never said we would be without trials. These trials are to strengthen us and draw us closer to Him. They strengthen us when we trust in Him whatever the outcome of the trial. They strengthen us because we know no matter what, He will never leave us nor forsake us.
Are you paralyzed by past hurts, ‘stuck’ in growth towards a more personal, and intimate relationship with Jesus? Are you fearful to seek help? Do you fear others will see you as a weak or bad Christian? Unfortunately, many churches push these serious struggles aside as one not having enough faith, having some unconfessed sin or to seek help is ‘unspiritual.’
Christian women are plagued in epidemic proportions with these types of painful experiences: Abortion, adultery, betrayal, chronic illness, divorce, emotional abuse, grief, incest, loss, the Occult, physical abuse, rape, rejection, sexual abuse, and witchcraft.
It is particularly hurtful when other Christians turn their backs when the results of these painful experiences lead to any of the following: Alcohol/drug addiction, anger/rage, bitterness, depression, eating disorders, guilt, mental/emotional illness, panic attacks, shame, suicidal thoughts/attempts, and unforgiveness.
Can you identify with any of the above?
Do you ask yourself, “How could I be a Christian and do the things I do?”
The Lord has not forsaken you. He has not forgotten about you or your circumstances. Has it been a while since you have experienced His goodness, mercy, grace, or love? As long as you have breath, there is hope. God is in the business of giving second, third, fourth and even fifth chances. Do you need more? Hold on to the cross tightly. Don't let the enemy pull you away. You are an overcomer!
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