Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Book is Finally Finished

A long time in the making! God's story how He healed me from a life plagued with shame, guilt and tremendous heartbreak is finally here. Now it's been nearly 18 years since I heard the still small voice telling me to put in a book how nothing is impossible with God. I procrastinated to the point I thought He might tell me never mind, He doesn't want me to write the book any more. Worse, I thought He would take me home before I would finish it.

It was about 3 years ago that I realized certain things still had to take place before we (God and me) could finish the book. I didn't want to bring any more shame or guilt to my mother and brother than I had already brought in their lives, and I didn't want more grief either. Mother passed in 2008 and Johnne, my brother, passed in 2005. It still took me a few years to realize that now (2008) is the time to finish the book. 

I struggled another 2 years. I bought the lie from the devil that God would take me home when I finished the book. Again, I procrastinated, not wanting to die upon the completion of the book. There was another factor involved in this mix. God had halted my other ministry activities. Doors were closing right and left. 

But here's the neat part. We (Christians) are called the Body of Christ for a reason. If the foot hurts, get a crutch or hop on one foot, while holding onto someone. If a sister is struggling, help her in her struggles. You get the picture. Right? I thought He was taking away Women at the Well Bible Study, too. If that happened, where would I be? Surely, I was created to teach the study and train other women to teach as well. Well, I talked to a precious sister in the Lord who simply told me that my identity was not in the Women at the Well Bible Study. Are you saying, "And...?"

For someone who thought God would never use her, I never dreamed that He could or would use me in more than one way. She reminded me that we serve a very multi-tasked oriented God.

I'm thrilled, excited and beside myself to have finished this painful journey. Don't get me wrong. I would take this journey repeatedly, knowing the relationship I have with Christ. To know there is life after this life is one thing. To know that the life after this one will be spent in eternity with the King of kings, and Lord of lords, is beyond my understanding. I get to spend forever with GOD!!

Won't you join me? Take the journey I took by reading God's story of my life...
"The Woman at the Well...today"

You can find the book at these fine locations:

Also on Apple iTunes Stores, under Books.
Do me a favor, please. If there is a link to this, would you let me know? I'm not that savvy when it comes to Apple things. Thanks.



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